The title ‘The Culture Collider’ is a reference to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN near Geneva – a giant accelerator of elementary particles using special detectors to record the effects of their collisions. One of the crucial features of today’s globalized world is the unprecedented acceleration of information flow, and consequently – in a time of new divisions of the world and growing migration – an intensification of ‘collisions’ of mutually exotic cultural paradigms. The present exhibition aspires to be a ‘detector’ capturing the results of that process in the field of visual arts, and it posits the thesis that one of its effects is post-exotic art. The exhibition thus narrates the reciprocal infiltration and internalization of often mutually alien cultural values, exemplified by painting, objects, video, sculpture and sculptural installations.
Editor: Goschka Gawlik for Manggha Museum Krakow
Texts: Goschka Gawlik, Piotr Popiołek, Jakub Piwowarski, Yiou Penelope Peng, Klaudia Adamowicz, Romana Schuler, Wojciech Szymański
Design: Goschka Gawlik
Language: English/Polish
Details: Paperback, 27 x 21,5 cm, 150 pages, numerous ills. in color
Publisher: Manggha Museum
ISBN: 978-83-62096-76-3
€ 22.00
Editor: Goschka Gawlik for Manggha Museum Krakow
Texts: Goschka Gawlik, Piotr Popiołek, Jakub Piwowarski, Yiou Penelope Peng, Klaudia Adamowicz, Romana Schuler, Wojciech Szymański
Design: Goschka Gawlik
Language: English/Polish
Details: Paperback, 27 x 21,5 cm, 150 pages, numerous ills. in color
Publisher: Manggha Museum
ISBN: 978-83-62096-76-3
€ 22.00